I found out I was up the duff a couple of days ago. I'm shit at remembering things, I hadn't realised that I've not had a period since December. I'm usually very careful about these things, but the New Year's Eve gangbang was an exception. I took slightly too much Rohypnol and was out for at least 3 hours. In that time, fuck knows what happened, but I was walking bow-legged for a week. 5olly has admitted to an unprotected poke, but I think he's just after money for child support, the greedy cunt. Anyway, I went straight down to the County for an abortion. They'd had a cancellation so I got an appointment then and there. Soon as you like, I was up in the chair, feet in the stirrups, when in comes the doctor. My god, he was a HUNK! I really couldn't help myself, not with the position I was in... I've now found that I have a superhero talent, I can actually undress people with my eyes! By the time we were done there was no time for him to perform the abortion, so we had to leave it. Abortions can't be that hard, I thought, I've seen plenty of them myself and have watched Dirty Dancing at least twenty times. So I decided I'd have a go myself. Armed with a bottle of gin and a knitting needle, the little tyke was out of there fast as you like! Now I just need to decide what to do with it. I'm contemplating the possibility of a Sunday roast.
Yoga Journal Complete yoga resource. Find yoga poses, search directory of teachers, register for events, learn about yoga therapeutics, and more.
What Is Yoga? - About.com Introductory information about yoga, its poses, practice, and suggested readings.
Benefits of Yoga - HealthAnd Yoga Helps understand what we can gain out of yoga practice.
Yoga Postures Features classic postures and their vinyasas in detail.
Yoga - Wikipedia User-edited article about yoga, the traditional physical and mental disciplines with the goals of improving health and achieving liberation from the life-death cycle.
Kinds Of Yoga Defines different kinds of yoga.
Yogabasics.com Blog on yoga basics including an illustrated guide to yoga postures, breathing techniques, and information.
Yoga - About.com Comprehensive introduction to yoga basics, including yoga workouts.
Tara Stiles shows us some yoga moves we can do to help the hangovers!
Yoga Finder Listings of yoga classes, retreats, conferences, teacher's training, and teachers by state and country.
Yoga-Age.com Online resource of yoga including practicing methodology, philosophical background, forum, and yoga shop.
Really a nice post.
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